October 03, 2022 4 min read


Whether you have been struggling with incontinence for a while or it is totally brand new to you, it can be extremely daunting dealing with incontinence on a daily basis. To help conquer these fears and continue living your life to the fullest, it is important to understand how best to manage your condition. Bladder leaks aren’t something you should be embarrassed about. If you’re struggling, you can talk to your doctor who can offer you medical advice on the best way to deal with your type of incontinence. Here are our top ten tips on how to relieve symptoms of incontinence…


  1. Remain hydrated –form a drinking schedule to ensure that you don’t limit your fluid intake to the point of dehydration. If you’re suffering with bladder leaks, this is an easy mistake to make. Drink adequate amounts of water throughout the day to maintain hydration, roughly 1.5L per day is recommended.


  1. Maintain a healthy weight – obesity puts additional unnecessary strain on your pelvic floor muscles and is a cause of bladder leaks. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can help limit the risks of worsening your bladder leaks. Following a diet that is high in fibre and low in sugar and fat can help contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. Additionally, doing lighter daily exercise such as going for a walk can keep you on top of your health and fitness.



  1. Kegel exercises – help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles which hold and support your bladder and other parts of your body. Bladder leaks can be reduced with strengthening the pelvic floor muscles as these muscles work to contact urine. Read our latest blog about benefits of Kegel Exercises and how to do them HERE


  1. Avoid high impact exercise – although it is important to maintain a healthy weight, high impact exercise can put pressure on your pelvic floor muscles and can increase your chances of leakages. Sit-ups can also make you leak as they can strain your pelvic floor muscles. If you are wanting to continue exercise and relieve symptoms of incontinence, replace jogging and aerobics classes with Pilates. The gentle method of stretching core muscles is a popular treatment method for stress incontinence. Other options for exercise can include less strenuous activities such as going for a walk.


  1. Wear incontinence underwear or liners – Veeda offers underwear, liners, wipes and pads for incontinence that are better for your body and better for the earth. Our underwear and liners have an absorbent bio-core blend with added green tea leaf extract for a special dry, cool, breathable touch and a moisture wick layer, leaving you feeling dry and comfortable all day long. They are ultra-thin which provides a discreet look without compromising on protection. Anti-leakage cuffs and perforated sides for easy removal. Hypoallergenic, safe for Sensitive skin which are totally chlorine-free with no harmful chemicals for a flexible fit and leak-proof protection. Available for men and women in sizes: S/M, L & XL.



  1. Only go to the toilet when you need to – If you’re suffering with light bladder leaks, it is easy to fall into the trap of going to the toilet frequently ‘just in case’. This can promote an overactive bladder which can have negative long-term effects on your bladder control. By going too frequently, your bladder gets used to holding minimal amounts of urine making it even more sensitive and overactive therefore worsening the condition. Therefore, go to the toilet as soon as you feel that your bladder is full.


  1. Avoid heavy lifting – this can put pressure on your pelvic floor muscles that can trigger leakages. If you are lifting something slightly heavier than usual, try to tighten your pelvic floor muscles before and during the lift to prevent any leakages.


  1. Don’t smoke or seek help to quit if you are a smoker – Smoker’s cough puts further strain on your pelvic floor muscles therefore weakening them. See your doctor if you’re having trouble quitting.


  1. Face constipation – straining to empty your bowels can weaken your pelvic floor muscles which can worsen your leakages. Therefore, you should never delay the urge to empty your bowels. If you do have constipation, consider changing your diet and lifestyle by eating more fibre and light exercise. It may also be beneficial to alter the way you sit and use your muscles to empty your bowels. A specialist physiotherapist can give you more advice on this topic.


  1. Avoid bladder irritants– Maintaining a healthy diet is good for your body and its overall performance. You should limit caffeinated drinks, alcohol, fizzy drinks and acidic foods such as spicy meals.


Why Veeda?

Our Veeda Incontinence range is designed around your individual needs; our products are comfortable, don’t leak, and no one will know you’re wearing them!

Veeda make underwear, liners, wipes and pads for incontinence that are better for your body and better for the earth. Our incontinence underwear and liners have an absorbent bio-core blend with added green tea leaf extract for a special dry, cool, breathable touch and a moisture wick layer, leaving you feeling dry and comfortable all day long. They are ultra-thin which provides a discreet look without compromising on protection. Anti-leakage cuffs and perforated sides for easy removal. Hypoallergenic, safe for Sensitive skin which are totally chlorine-free with no harmful chemicals for a flexible fit and leak-proof protection.

Veeda hygiene products are pure, natural and eco-friendly:


Fragrance Free                               Allergy Certified                                           No Lotion

No colourants                                No petrolatum                               FSC / PEFC 

Totally Chlorine Free                    Renewable resources                   Natural resources

Natural polymers / No Plastics              Low carbon impact                       Responsibly managed forestry

Green Leaf extract                        Vegan/ cruelty free                       Free of latex


Make a good choice for your body by making Veeda your go-to natural incontinence care brand!


Medical Disclaimer: Articles are intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis of patient treatment. Ask a medical professional if you have any health-related questions or concerns.


Additional Resources

Health Direct. (2019). Incontinence treatments – 10 ways to stop leaks.