March 02, 2022 3 min read

With the management of COVID-19 and re-opening of boarders, there are many people ready to burst out of their homes and jump on a plane! Travelling with incontinence can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With a small amount of strategic planning and ample supply, you can embrace your trip without anxiety and fear of losing control. Below are some travel tips and tricks that may take the stress off your holiday, if you suffer from incontinence.

Pay attention to your body’s needs and patterns.Prior to your holiday, take note of how frequently you need to go to the bathroom (whether that note is mental or physical is up to you). By doing so, on your trip you can make a schedule of the best times to go to the bathroom and can work that around activities where necessary. This will help to avoid desperately needing to find a bathroom when you get the sudden urge to go.

Organise a travel kit to go everywhere with you. This means that you can always be prepared whilst on the go. Some items that may be beneficial to have include underwear, liners, wipes, tissues, plastic bags and a spare change of clothes.

Plan your journey to understand the facilities available around you.This can help you to time your bathroom schedule dependant on your activities and potentially change where you stay, what you do and what you bring on your holiday. If travelling by aeroplane, it might be a good idea to request an aisle seat that is close to the toilet for easy access when needed. Additionally ask to board the plane first to settle in your seat and organise your products based on what you need dependant on the duration of your flight.

Use toilet finder apps. If you own a smart phone, you can download toilet finder apps from your app store to help you locate accessible public toilets near you.

Enquire about additional luggage allowance. If travelling by plane, this will allow you to have more room for your incontinence products and extra clothes should you need to change them more frequently than expected.

Don’t limit your water intakeout of fear of losing control. Airconditioning is dehydrating so make sure you stay hydrated and follow a bathroom schedule to avoid leakage.

Take a spare sarong or jumper to easily tie around your waist in case of emergencies. This is an easy way to cover up a leakage without anyone even noticing.

Limit intake of caffeinated drinks or alcohol.Being on holiday is almost an excuse to have a bit more than we usually do and let our diet go for a few weeks, I get it. However, doing so can cause bladder irritation and should be limited or avoided.

Bladder trainingsuch as learning and practicing Kegel exercises can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles which hold and support your bladder. Read our blog about the benefits of Kegel Exercises and learn how to do them HERE

Talk to your doctor.If you’re suffering with incontinence, talk to your doctor, you are definitely not the only one out there! It is also good to advise them that you will be going on holiday so they can make some personal recommendations based around you and the severity of your incontinence. Additionally, they may prescribe you with suitable medication should you need it whilst you are away.  

Shop our range of underwear, liners, wipes and pads here for incontinence that are ultra-thin, anti-leak, chlorine free, hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. Underwear is available in men’s and women’s sizes small/medium, large and extra-large.


Additional Resources

Continence Foundation of Australia. (2021). Life with Incontinence: Travel Tips.

Hartman. (2021). Travelling with Incontinence.