During sleep time, the human body produces less urine that is more concentrated. This means that the majority of people do not need to wake up throughout the night to go to the bathroom and can sleep uninterrupted for six to eight hours. If you are waking up two or more times throughout the night to urinate, it is likely that you may have nocturia. Nocturia, also known as nocturnal polyuria, is a condition that causes you to wake up during the night to urinate.
What causes Nocturia?
Nocturia is a common problem, however, becomes more common as you age and can be caused by a lifestyle habit or underlying health issue. Some health issues related to nocturia can include:
Nocturia can often be a symptom of a health condition listed above which has the potential to worsen or spread if left untreated. Nocturia due to an underlying condition will usually stop when the condition is successfully treated.
Some lifestyle habits related to nocturia can include:
Treatment for nocturia
The following can help manage nocturia:
If you are struggling with nocturia, your doctor may refer you to a Nurse Continence Specialist, Continence Physiotherapist or Medical Specialist to discuss appropriate treatments. This can include medications to treat the nocturia or the underlying cause.
Medical Disclaimer: Articles are intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis of patient treatment. Ask a medical professional if you have any health-related questions or concerns.
Additional Resources
Continence Foundation of Australia. (2020). Nocturia. https://www.continence.org.au/types-incontinence/urinary-incontinence/nocturia
The Healthline Editorial Team. (2018). Excessive Urination at Night (Nocturia).https://www.healthline.com/health/urination-excessive-at-night#causes
Urology Care. (n.d.) What is Nocturia.https://www.urologyhealth.org/urology-a-z/n/nocturia