January 03, 2022 2 min read

Incontinence can develop on anyone regardless of age or gender, however women who are pregnant or have had a baby are more likely to suffer from urinary incontinence. Incontinence can be daunting but understanding what it is and learning how to successfully manage it enables you to continue doing the things you love without fear or embarrassment. 

What causes postpartum incontinence?

One in three women who have had a baby will experience some form of incontinence when she laughs, sneezes, coughs or exercises. During pregnancy, as you produce hormones, your pelvic floor muscles become weak and struggle to support your internal organs. This can lead to difficulty controlling your bladder. You are most likely to develop postpartum incontinence if:

  • You had bladder problems during or prior to pregnancy
  • You are having your first baby
  • You are having a large baby
  • You have a long labour
  • You have a difficult delivery (stitches, tearing etc.)


What are some ways to manage postpartum incontinence?

  1. Kegel exercises –practicing Kegel exercises a few times a day can improve your pelvic floor muscles, read how to on our latest blog HERE


  1. Using bladder control pads or underwear –Veeda offers incontinence liners, pads as well as disposable underwear and wipes to cover all your needs. Our products are subtle, comfortable, secure, and reliable to support an active, on-the-go leak-proof lifestyle. All our products are both hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested which means they won’t irritate your skin and reduce the risk of allergies. CLICK HERE to shop and view our range.


  1. Enforce a healthy lifestyle
    • Eat foods that are high in fiber
    • Drink more water
    • Maintain a healthy weight
    • Avoid nicotine
    • Limit abdominal pressure


  1. Bladder training –visiting the toilet every two to three hours is normal. If you use the bathroom more frequently, try to extend the time between urination.


  1. Medication – visit your doctor for more information


  1. Surgery – visit your doctor for more information


Overall, postpartum incontinence is extremely common so don’t feel embarrassed or fearful. Veeda are here to provide you with all the products you need to continue living your best life and not letting incontinence get in the way!


Medical Disclaimer: Articles are intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis of patient treatment. Ask a medical professional if you have any health-related questions or concerns.


Additional Resources


Fosnight, A. (2021). 6 Ways to Successfully Manage Postpartum Incontinence.

Pregnancy Birth and Baby. (2021). Bladder Weakness After Birth.