April 03, 2019 2 min read

On average, a staggering 200 million people suffer from incontinence worldwide, with over 25 million residing in the United States, alone. Annually, bladder control issues will cost $25 billion for men and women who are over the age of 65. The cost increases to $65.9 billion withdiagnoses of overactive bladder (OAB) and urgency urinary incontinence (UUI). By the year 2020, it is estimated that incontinence will cost the U.S. economy more than $82.6 billion per year.

Two people doing yoga

However, there are ways to help circumvent urinary accidents before they occur.

Five Ways to Reduce Bladder Leaks

1.)   Pelvic Floor Muscle Therapy: Pelvic floor muscle therapy is a type of physical therapy that helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to reduce bladder leaks. Examples are Kegels, squeeze and release, bridge pose, and leg squat exercises. For more details, please check out our article that offers specific instructions on each of these pelvic floor muscle exercises.

2.)   Bathroom Breaks: Elderly family members shouldn’t be embarrassed to ask family members for help. Family members can help remind loved ones who experience bladder leaks to take bathroom breaks. Moral support and an empathetic attitude can reduce shame around incontinence. Promoting confidence can help reduce embarrassment, which can also lead to fewer accidents. On the other hand, scolding someone with a weak bladder or becoming frustrated can increase anxiety, lower self-esteem, and worsen the condition.

3.)   Bladder Retraining Therapy: Bladder retraining is considered behavioral therapy that focuses on lengthening the time between bathroom breaks. In conjunction with pelvic floor muscle exercises, bladder retraining helps to break the habit of frequent bathroom visits. The objective is to teach incontinence sufferers how to hold their bladder and reduce bathroom breaks to six to eight times a day. Instead of going to the restroom “just in case,” it’s advised to abstain as long as possible in order to reprogram the pelvic muscles and learn how to hold urine for longer periods.

4.)   Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Intake: Both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, as they increase urine production. Out of the 25 million adult Americans diagnosed with incontinence, 5 million reported bedwetting. Medical experts suspect alcohol consumption to be a cause.

5.)   Bladder Diary: Did you know that tracking your bladder and bowel movements is a positive step towards understanding what foods and drinks trigger incontinence? “Bladder diaries” are helpful for all types of incontinence, whether incidents are caused by an overactive bladder, stress, urge incontinence, overflow, or bedwetting. Write down what you eat or drink and how often you frequent the bathroom. It will help you train your bladder to last longer, and it will also make scheduling bathroom breaks simpler.

Veeda Natural Incontinence Protection

Choosing reliable incontinence protection, in concurrence with putting into practice the above bladder leak prevention tips, can help you better manage your condition.Veeda hypoallergenic incontinence underwear, pads, and liners are made with skin-loving natural ingredients and are certified as allergy friendly. You won’t find any chlorine, fragrances, latex, or harsh chemicals in our ecological incontinence line. All of our green products are also made with biodegradable materials and renewable resources. When you choose Veeda, you’re not only deciding what’s safe for your body but also what’s best for the environment.